
The Role of Draintube Technology in Achieving Efficient and Sustainable Water Management in Mining Operations

Water management is a critical challenge in mining operations. With the industry’s increasing focus on sustainability and environmental stewardship, adopting innovative solutions is crucial. One such solution is Draintube technology, which has gained attention for its effectiveness in managing water efficiently while reducing environmental impact. This technology integrates drainage and filtration layers, optimizing water flow, […]


Metode Zinc Cartridge untuk Menangani Korosi pada Baja Tulangan Struktur Beton

Zinc Cartridge adalah metode perbaikan elektrokimia yang menekan laju korosi dengan mengalirkan arus listrik dari material anoda ke material baja melalui beton, menggunakan beda energi potensial antara material baja tulangan dan material anoda. Metode pemasangan anoda dapat dipilih tergantung pada lokasi baja tulangan. Dengan menghubungkan Zinc Cartridge (bahan anoda galvanik) yang diaktifkan oleh bahan aktif […]

Articles Construction Project References

The Role of Stamped Concrete in Urban Facility Construction

Urban facility construction involves the creation of infrastructure that supports modern city living, including public spaces, commercial centers, parking lots, and walkways. One material that has gained popularity in recent years for these projects is stamped concrete. Its aesthetic appeal, durability, and versatility make it a preferred choice for urban planners and construction professionals. This […]

Articles Construction

The Importance of Expansion Joints in Modern Construction

Expansion joints are vital components in construction, designed to absorb and compensate for the natural movements that occur within structures due to temperature fluctuations, seismic activities, and other dynamic forces. These movements can lead to significant stress on buildings and infrastructure, potentially causing damage such as cracks, warping, or even structural failure. By incorporating expansion […]

Articles Construction Project References

Why Polyurethane Flooring is a Recommended Option

Polyurethane flooring offers a range of benefits that make it an attractive option for many applications.

Articles Company Activities Construction Project References

[Video] Slope Stability with Soil Nailing

Join us as we explore the innovative technique of soil nailing, a key method for reinforcing and stabilizing slopes, retaining walls, and more. Learn how soil nailing enhances stability, saves time and costs, and preserves the landscape, making it an essential tool in modern construction and civil engineering. — At Arcon, we specialize in advanced […]

Articles Project References

[Video] Carbon FRP untuk Perkuatan Sinyal GSM

Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan ruang data center atau mesin server baru, struktur gedung lama perlu diperkuat dengan Carbon FRP, akibat penambahan beban dari mesin tersebut.

Articles Construction

Atasi Retak pada Beton dengan Metode Injeksi

Retakan pada beton dapat disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor seperti perubahan suhu, beban berat, atau penurunan tanah. Retakan ini bukan hanya masalah kosmetik, tetapi juga dapat mengurangi kekuatan dan daya tahan struktur beton tersebut.

Articles Construction Project References

Polyurea: Material Pelapis Masa Depan

Coatings modern saat ini, termasuk polyuretan dan polyurea, termasuk di antara resin paling canggih yang telah dikembangkan.


Lembaran Kain Sekuat Beton, Mungkinkah?

Kain berkekuatan tinggi (cement blanket/lembar beton) akan memiliki komponen yang sama dengan beton setelah dihidrasi dengan air. Kain ini terdiri atas dua lapisan, atas dan bawah, dan di antara keduanya campuran beton kering dicampur dengan serat.

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